140: The estimated number of visits made by our scouts to the trading post (10 per boy).
84: The estimated number of ice cream treats consumed by our troop (6 per boy).
70: The number of merit badges we attempted.
53: The number of merit badges completed.
51: The number of medical forms required for our troop to participate at camp.
45: The number of sandwiches consumed by our scouts.
40: The number of hamburger patties consumed by the troop and it's leaders.
28: The highest level achieved in Crazy Craig's number game by our troop.
22: The number of seconds it took to get "Slick Silver" from one end of an olympic-sized pool to the other (nearly a Tifie record).
18: The number of times a boy had to sing to the troop for items left unattended (I actually lost track of this stat at 18).
17: The number of partial merit badges.
14: The number of 12-13 year-old-boys who attended camp.
7: The number of square miles of ozone depleted by our troop over Camp Tifie. No, seriously.
6: The average number of times a boy was dunked by the "Killer Whale".
5: The number of merit badge classes attended by each scout, the number of days to complete the Baden Powell Award for troops, and also the number of flag ceremonies attended by the troop.
4: The number of adult leaders who attended part or all of camp and also the average number of times Crazy Cantankerous Carl of the rifle range yelled at our boys during camp.
3: The number of cheese burger patties consumed at once by our smallest scout, the average number of times boys hiked across camp to visit the shooting range in a day, and the number of troop devotionals given.
2: The number of boys Collin hugged when scared by a ghost story and the number of pair of socks lost or ruined by each boy.
1: The recommended number of nights you can safely serve beanies and weenies to scouts in a 5 day period -- anymore than that could be disastrous. Also, the number of times we won the coveted spirit stick for the troop who demonstrated the most scout spirit.
0: The number of boys who attended camp that got sick, badly injured, or lost.
The Grizz and Grouse rule. Thank you, boys. We had a blast. I think you all filled your box.
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