Parents and scouts,
Did you know the Boy Scout Handbook is not only a great resource for all things related to scoutcraft, woodcraft, campcraft, it has sections that allow you track progress towards rank advancement as well as logs for camping and service hours.

While the troop maintains duplicative records of advancement, service hours, and camping, it's important parents and scouts maintain a personal record complete with scout leader initials. This will help scouts validate when any record might be missing or if a record is in question for any reason. Scout boards also find a well maintained scout handbook a sign of
scout spirit and commitment.

Keeping a personal record in your handbook allows parents to stay "in-the-know" on what their scout has accomplished and what tasks and requirements lay ahead for advancement. Lastly, by maintaining a personal record, a scout journals/chronicles his scout experience which he can look back on the many activities and achievements during this Norman Rockwell period of their adolescence.
The recording keeping section of the Boy Scout Handbook can be found on pages fo 432 - 447. To ensure a leader is reviewing and signing a scout's handbook, it's important a scout bring their handbook to
every activity.
Quick Quiz (come to this week's activity with an answer to this question and be rewarded):
Name two elements of the
BSA Safe Swim Defense criteria found in your Boy Scout Handbook.
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